Saturday, January 30, 2016

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories

Each day a new argument will always pop up, whether it be over the color of a dress or something more serious like police surveillance. In the following post, you'll see how I looked into the stories that various news magazines have published to see what the fuss is about this week.

Conry, Steven "Plane Landing Over Simpson Bay" 7/17/09 via flickr. Public Domain License

1. What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about? 

It has recently come to the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union that the city of Anaheim in California has been using a controversial technology called a Stingray to monitor the activity of residents and visitors. Since 2009 Anaheim has operated this technology, mounting it aboard a small aircraft that patrols the city to force users to connect to its fake cell tower. Tracking the users connected means that ordinary civilians can now be monitored at nearly any time, a fact that has many worried.

2. Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? 

Unfortunately, the most sympathetic character in the story ends up being the people being the American public who are being spied on by the police. By possibly having their rights violated, the citizens of Anaheim are ending up the victims, creating a sympathy because I know that it is very possible for people such as myself to end up in the same situation.

3. Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? 

By forcing their way into the private communications of their citizens, the Anaheim Police Department is making themselves out to be the evildoer, making it seem like they're out to get you. This makes it very hard to side with their cause due to the less than friendly outlook they're placing on the public and even tourists.

Palmero, Nan "Woman Using a Samsung VR Headset at SXSW" 3/15/15 via flickr. Public Domain License

1. What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about?

As the debate over whether virtual reality heats up, it becomes clear that two sides are emerging. On the first side, there are individuals who believe that VR will be one of the next big things, and on the other there are a number who believe that VR is just another fad and are entirely uninterested in developing for the various systems. This article focuses specifically on attendees at a Game Developers Conference in the previous three years, stating that 56% are interested in developing for VR while 44% are uninterested in the technology.

2. Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? 

For me, the most sympathetic characters within this story are the developers that are working to put out games for VR, as it is a platform that I'm very interested to test out in the near future. Whether it be on my own or as part of something like the AZ-LIVE experience here on campus, I can't wait to get my hands on a set and try it out.

3. Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? 

As I am very interested in the developments on VR, I find it hard to imagine why 44% of game developers are not willing to publish for the new platform. Though I understand that their decisions may be purely business decisions, I'd love to see expanded support for the platform so that it can only get better as time goes on.

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