Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report

Now that I'm about to submit, what have I changed from my rough draft?

Rough Cut

Terry Hayes once wrote that "the world doesn't change in front of your eyes, it changes behind your back," a sentiment that I find rather comforting as I look back on the experiences that I have had and shared this semester. I walked into an English class in January knowing little of what to expect besides what I had experienced in classes prior. As time passed I found that the class I was expecting was vastly different from the one that I received, but I was able to adapt to the challenges and see that my understanding of English was growing each day. Now I see a future where I will not only be expected to write, but to provide insight into the situation at hand. Despite this knowledge that I have now, I did not always see this class as a way to strengthen my understanding but time makes that detail clear. Yet as I made my way through the course I was forced to struggle with conducting research like I never had before, understanding how I needed to manage my limited time, and even taking care of myself in order to become a proficient writer.

Edited Cut

Terry Hayes once wrote that "the world doesn't change in front of your eyes, it changes behind your back," a sentiment that I find rather comforting as I look back on the experiences that I have had over the course of this semester. Just four short months ago in January I walked into an English class knowing little of what to expect besides what I had experienced before in high school. As time passed I found that the class I was expecting was vastly different from the one that I received, but I was able to adapt to the challenges and see that my understanding of English was growing each day. Despite the knowledge that I now retain, I did not always see this class as a way to strengthen my skills, but time has made that detail clear. Now I see a future where I will not only be expected to write, but to provide insight into the situation at hand using a variety of different strategies, whether it be delving into the rhetorical situation or simply working in a new genre. Yet as I made my way through the course I was forced to struggle with conducting research like I never had before, understanding how I needed to manage my limited time, and even taking care of myself in order to become a proficient writer.

How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I was mostly making copy edits in this section, but one examples of a change was moving the sentence "despite this knowledge" forward in the paragraph. I believe the paragraph now flows a bit better and has a more logical progression.

How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

I didn't really change the form in this section since I was only making small edits rather than drastic changes.

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