Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

It's time to reflect on all the work I've done so far, but what am I going to talk about?

Talk about how it's been a rough semester for many reasons, but now that it's almost over, it's time to reflect on the work that I've done. Provide a brief overview of the topics I'll be discussing.

Body Sections:
  • Conducting such thorough research is something that was uncommon for my previous writing, but will now become an integral part of the process.
- First real project which required in depth research was for AP United States History, where I presented in detail on Rockefeller along with crafting a nine page essay on the topic where research was a primary focus.
- Looking through academic journal pieces such as this show that research is going to be very important for the papers I hope to publish eventually.

  • Throughout my writing career, time management has never been a strong suit of mine, and I often complete the majority of my work on the very last day
- Talk about how the trend started in my high school career where it really didn't matter when I started. Writing it the night before -> still an A grade.
- Unfortunately, this trend continued this semester with my work in this class, as evidenced by the majority of my blog posts and submissions coming on the Sunday they were due.

  • Yet another factor which may have negatively influenced my writing abilities is the unfortunate lack of personal care for myself
- Sleep schedule is a complete mess because of my work schedule which ruins my weekday sleep habits.
- Eating healthy is not a strong suit, as evidenced by my frequent trips to the union which I really need to cut out.

After a semester of rigorous writing exercises and new experiences, it's time to say goodbye and thanks for the ride. Show reader where I think I'll be headed with my own writing.

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