Saturday, February 27, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

From the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits February 2016 Issue, we'll be taking a look at the social media presence of the author Sagar Ray.

Pasquini, Laura "Social Media" 4/18/15 via flickr. Public Domain.

What is the name of the author (from the academic journal) that you selected and which social media networks were you able to find her/him on?

Sagar Ray (not to be confused with Sugar Ray) is the author of "A 10 Gb/s Inductorless AGC Amplifier With 40 dB Linear Variable Gain Control in 0.13 $upmu text{m}$ CMOS" and is a much easier person to find on social media than either of my interviewees.


How would you describe the author's social media presence? What kinds of things are they talking about or sharing on social media? Write a brief description of what you learned about them through the listed social media feeds.

Based on what I could find in social media, Sagar is very interested in travelling, the weather, and often posts pictures of himself with friends and family. However, he remains professional on all of these sites, with little conversation outside of the pictures that he's posted (from what I'm able to see anyway) and a detailed and accurate LinkedIn profile for others to see.

Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.5 & 6.6). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal?

I think that the author's social media presence matches the level of professionalism displayed in their academic work. However, it is very different to see a real person rather than just the data and analysis that they published in their journal papers.

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