Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

Social Media is consistently entering our minds. In class, at home, and even while driving there is an urge to check the tweet or post you just got notified about. Is that a good thing?

Howie, Jason "Social Media apps" 3/23/13 via flickr. Public Domain.

Dr. Tharp
LinkedIn Page

Unfortunately, Dr. Tharp does not have any sort of active social media presence for me to study. The only page that I was able to find was a dreary LinkedIn page that only included very basic information at best.

While interviewing him, it became very clear that he does not actively participate in social media, so it is hard to say how his appearance online differs from that of his academic persona since it is so limited in scope.

Gavin Young
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

Gavin has a slightly better social media presence, including a fully fleshed out LinkedIn page for himself and a Facebook page that I was able to find.

On LinkedIn Gavin Young seems very professional, with a plethora of information including educational experience, publications, and work history. However, on Facebook from the information that I was able to see Gavin appears to be more relaxed, but still only has limited information available for public viewing. Overall though, Gavin seems to act very professionally online from the accounts that I was able to find,

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