Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

When choosing interviewees, it was important to look at their professional writing background to ensure that they would be good sources of information. Do Dr. Tharp and Gavin Young fit these criteria?

the.Firebottle "Journals" 4/4/06 via flickr. Public Domain.

Dr. Tharp has published many research papers within academic journals, most prominently in the late 1980's and early 1990's in various IEEE journal publications. He has also spoken at many conferences and describes his lectures here at the U of A as an active piece of his writing portfolio.

Gavin Young is a second year Masters Student here at the U of A, and as such has published a few professional works in his academic career. So far, his works consist of research articles rather than full research papers. However, these pieces are both peer reviewed and submitted to various journals

Dr. Tharp:

Gavin Young:

Context and Message:
Dr. Tharp:
The pieces that Dr. Tharp has written focus on very specific research topics within Electrical Engineering such as control systems, and uses a high level of audience specific jargon within the papers that readers outside of the field would have very little knowledge of. However, the message that he delivers within his pieces shows that he has a deep understanding of the topic and that the research he has conducted has furthered the field's knowledge of the topic as well. 

Gavin Young:
As with Dr. Tharp, Gavin's work often focuses on very specific topics within the field of BioChemistry in the case of his professional writings. Gavin presents research that he and the other authors had worked on to show that there were previously unknown trends within the chemical structures around us. 

Dr. Tharp:
For the paper entitled "Minimum Energy..." Dr. Tharp's purpose was explicitly stated to the reader in the abstract by saying that "the primary focus of this paper is the development of an optimal guidance law for a missile with a directional control constraint."

Gavin Young:
Both of the papers that Gavin has authored also have a very specific purpose, shown in "Comparative Analysis..." where the purpose was "to identify the 14-3-3 eta gene as a tumor suppressor and that its expression is suppressed in colon tumors by DNA hypermethylation."

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