Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interview Subjects

So it's time to get started on Project Two, but who will be lucky enough to get interviewed? Let's find out.

Dr. Hal Tharp via

Name: Dr. Hal Tharp
Organization: University of Arizona
   B.S. Electrical Engineering at University of Missouri-Rolla -1981
   M.S Electrical Engineering at University of Illinois - 1983
   PhD Electrical Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - 1986
Years of Experience: 30
Interview Time: Friday, Feb. 26 at 3 PM in ECE 256
Interview Questions:
1.      How would you describe your professional experience as an electrical engineer? What are some ways that the field has changed since you began your career at the University of Missouri?
2.      What writing styles are most prominent within electrical engineering? Which styles do you prefer to write in?
3.      When starting a new piece, what is your writing process like? Is there heavy planning before beginning or heavy revision before publication?
4.      How does the intended audience for your works influence the writing that you do? Was it different writing for IEEE than for other academic journals?
5.      When writing, do you ever try and generalize topics so that readers outside of the field are more capable of understanding the work?
6.      As you are writing, do you have a schedule that you follow? If so, has it ever been difficult making these deadlines?
7.      Over your career, how has the writing that you produce changed? Has the popularity of the internet or social media affected your publications?
8.      Since you often serve as a member of the dissertation committee for the ECE department, what are some recommendations for students producing their own publications for your review?
9.      Does the process of peer review change the way that you write?
10.  What is the one piece that you are most proud of from the works you’ve published?

Gavin Young
Gavin Young via LinkedIn

Name: Gavin Young
Organization: University of Arizona
   B.S. Biochemistry from the University of Arizona - 2013
   M.S. Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona - 2016
Years of Experience: 7
Website: N/A
Interview Time: Wednesday, March 2 at 3 PM in Science-Engineering Library 214
Interview Questions:
  1. Why did you make the switch from BioChemistry as an undergraduate to ECE as a master's student?
  2. In what ways are the writing styles between these two different fields similar, and in what ways do they diverge?
  3. When working on a new paper or presentation, what does your writing process consist of?
  4. While writing, what effect does the audience of the piece have on the way that you write?
  5. I know that while working on a master's thesis as you are now, there is a strict schedule to follow. How do you ensure your time management lets you finish on time?
  6. Since most works will go through several iterations before publication, what are the benefits and setbacks from this process?
  7. What styles do you work in the most? As a graduate student, are you expected to use your skills for presentations?
  8. What are some exciting new fields within electrical engineering, or what excites you about the field?

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